Author: Aaron De Bruin

South Carolina Current Marijuana Possession Laws

As attitudes about cannabis consumption loosen across the United States, criminal penalties for possessing illegal substances are also becoming less strict. It is difficult to keep up with all the recent changes in legislation. Let’s take a look at what the penalties for drug possession are currently (as of September 2015) in the state of South Carolina. Penalties Based On Amount Of Drug In Possession As in most states, penalties are assessed based on the weight of the substance in possession. In South Carolina, there are three main categories of penalties for illegal substances: possession, sale, and manufacture. Possession...

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Miranda Rights

Anyone who has seen an episode of Law and Order knows if you are arrested, a good lawyer will get you off on a technicality if the police did not read you your rights, right? Well, the truth is not so clear. If you are arrested, the police are required to read you your rights. However, if they fail to do so, any testimony you give will be inadmissible as evidence. If there is enough evidence to convict you of the crime regardless of your testimony, then you still may be convicted of the crime. The History Of Miranda...

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Landmark Fourth Amendment Cases

The Fourth Amendment is the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses… against unreasonable searches, and is an important right. Americans want to feel safe in their homes and do not want police constantly involved in their daily lives. On the other hand, Americans want to be safe from crime and terrorism. There is a difficult and controversial balance between these two perspectives, and there has been since this nation was founded.  Let us look at three important cases dealing with Fourth Amendment issues. Mapp V. Ohio In the 1961 case, Mapp v. Ohio, the...

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Know Your Rights When Stopped By Law Enforcement

Being stopped by law enforcement can be a frightening experience, especially given the recent media coverage of incidents of police brutality. There are many reasons why an officer might stop you: they may wish to question you, they may suspect you have committed or witnessed a crime, they may suspect you are possession of illegal substances. In any situation, it is important to remain calm and respectful. If You Are Stopped For Questioning As outlined by the ACLU, you are not legally obligated to answer any questions. Even if you witness a crime, you are generally not obligated to report...

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